Filing for Legal Separation

3 Things to Think About Before Filing a Legal Separation

Filing for Legal SeparationAccording to the U.S. Census Bureau, 2000, a total of 4,795,270 people in the country considered themselves separated. Breaking it down, there were 2,916,327 women and 1,878,943 men who felt this way. In a 2002 report, findings showed that nearly half of these people stayed separated for a year prior to getting a divorce, while 16% stayed separated for over three years.

Legal separation and divorce can happen at any point during one’s marriage. For some, they stay together for a long time before hitting the wall. There are those who see the light after only a few years, even months after sealing the deal.

There are things you need to consider before calling it quits. If you’re thinking of filing for a legal separation, here are some factors you need to take note of before calling a family lawyer in Colorado Springs.

1. Change of income.

This is especially important for individuals who are the breadwinners or main income earners in a household. If you change from a high-paying job to a low-paying job after the legal separation, it could be used against you. The court might see it in such a way that you’re trying to escape your obligation to support your children (if any). In cases like these, the court can rule that you need to pay for child support based on your former, higher income.

2. Time spent with children.

When it comes to child custody, the court decides on the parent’s level of involvement based on the time spent before legal separation. Normally, fathers spend less time with the kids because of work, especially if your setup involves the mother working from home. If you wish to become more involved with your children after legal separation, it’s wise to increase time spent with the kids.

3. Moving homes.

In many cases, it’s often the man who moves out of the house and looks for a different place to live. If there are kids in the picture, the father usually finds a place that’s both near his former home and his place of work. Of course, this isn’t always the case. There are some cases that the mother is the one who moves away. Before filing for legal separation, you need to think about the cost of your new living arrangements. Can you afford to support your children and support your new life at the same time?

There are many couples that separate because they need to deal with their own issues first. In some cases, legal separation is a prelude to divorce. But there are many separated couples who reconcile after a few years, as well. If you’re planning to take this route, consider these three factors first before calling your lawyer.

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